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Accreditation Method for the BTABOK Partnership Program


The Business Technology Architecture Body of Knowledge (BTABOK) from Iasa is a comprehensive framework for architecture and business technology strategy, providing organizations with the guidelines, practices, and standards necessary for achieving significant and sustainable maturity. Our accredited partnership program aims to recognize and endorse services firms that excel in applying BTABOK principles and methodologies. This document outlines the accreditation method for our program, including guidance for achieving accreditation and the minimum requirements for Bronze, Silver, and Gold levels.

Accreditation Process

1. Application and Initial Assessment

Firms interested in accreditation must submit an application that includes:

  • A detailed description of their services and how they align with BTABOK principles.
  • Case studies or project examples demonstrating the application of BTABOK methodologies.
  • Qualifications and experience of their consultants and staff.

The initial assessment will involve a review of the submitted materials by the accreditation team to ensure they meet the basic eligibility criteria.

2. Documentation Review

The documentation review will focus on the firm’s:

  • Adoption and integration of BTABOK practices in their service offerings.
  • Training and development programs related to BTABOK for their employees.
    • Number and type of architects through the career path levels up to Chief Architect
  • Contribution and thought leadership from the firms employees.
    • BTABoK contributions and other Iasa locations
    • Board certification leadership
  • Quality assurance processes and continuous improvement initiatives.

This stage ensures that the firm has robust documentation and processes that align with BTABOK standards.

3. On-Site/Company Evaluation

An on-site evaluation will be conducted to verify the firm’s claims and assess their real-world application of BTABOK principles. This evaluation includes:

  • Interviews with key personnel.
  • Observation of projects and practices.
  • Review of client feedback and outcomes.

4. Accreditation Decision

Based on the findings from the documentation review and on-site evaluation, the accreditation team will make a decision. Firms will be awarded one of three accreditation levels: Bronze, Silver, or Gold, based on their performance against the criteria outlined below.

Accreditation Levels and Minimum Requirements

Bronze Level

The Bronze level recognizes firms that have met the basic requirements for BTABOK accreditation. These firms demonstrate a fundamental understanding and application of BTABOK principles.

Minimum Requirements:

  • Adoption: Basic adoption of BTABOK practices in at least two service offerings. Architecture excellence is a major differentiator of the firm.
  • Training: At least 50% of consultants trained in BTABOK methodologies.
  • Certification: At least 50% of consultants certified in the CITA-Foundation.
  • Documentation: Basic documentation of processes and case studies showing BTABOK application.
  • Client Feedback: Positive feedback from at least two clients regarding BTABOK-related services.

Guidance for Achieving Bronze Level:

  • Ensure that your firm has a foundational understanding of BTABOK and its applications.
  • Provide initial training for consultants to become familiar with BTABOK methodologies.
  • Begin integrating BTABOK practices into your service offerings and document these efforts.

Silver Level

The Silver level recognizes firms that have a more advanced implementation of BTABOK principles and demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement.

Minimum Requirements:

  • Adoption: Advanced adoption of BTABOK practices in at least four service offerings.
  • Training: At least 75% of consultants trained and certified in BTABOK methodologies.
  • Training: At least 75% of consultants certified in CITA-Foundations. At least 25% of senior consultants on track to achieve the CITA-Professional.
  • Contributions: Regular contributions to BTABoK, contributions to thought leadership journals and industry forums.
  • Documentation: Comprehensive documentation of processes, including detailed case studies and project outcomes.
  • Client Feedback: Positive feedback from at least four clients, with documented case studies showing significant impact.

Guidance for Achieving Silver Level:

  • Deepen the integration of BTABOK practices across multiple service areas.
  • Develop comprehensive training and certification programs for your consultants.
  • Enhance your documentation to include detailed case studies and continuous improvement processes.

Gold Level

The Gold level recognizes firms that are exemplary in their application of BTABOK principles, demonstrating leadership and innovation in business transformation.

Minimum Requirements:

  • Adoption: Comprehensive adoption of BTABOK practices across all service offerings. Architecture is a key differentiator in consultative practices. The firm strives to include architecture in all aspects of its work.
  • Training: 100% of consultanting architects trained and certified in BTABOK methodologies, with advanced training for senior consultants.
  • Certification: At least 50% of senior architect consultants certified in at Board Certified Proffesional (CITA-Professional) or above. At least 25% of most senior consultants on target for achieving CITA-Distinguished.
  • Contributions: Major contributions to BTABoK, signficant leadership of industry forums at Iasa.
  • Documentation: Extensive documentation, including a portfolio of case studies and best practices.
  • Client Feedback: Positive feedback from clients , with evidence of transformative impact and value delivered. Demonstrated maturity outcomes with clients.
  • Ethical Practice: Maintain a public ethical commitment to clients and to society based in rigorous professional practice and in alignment with BTABoK ethics policies.

Guidance for Achieving Gold Level:

  • Strive for full integration of BTABOK principles across your entire service portfolio.
  • Invest in advanced training and development programs for all consultants.
  • Maintain extensive and detailed documentation of your practices, including a robust collection of case studies showcasing your impact.

Maintaining Accreditation

Accredited firms must undergo a re-evaluation every two years to maintain their status. This process involves a review of updated documentation, client feedback, and potentially another on-site evaluation. Firms are encouraged to continuously improve their practices and aim for higher accreditation levels.


The BTABOK Partnership Program is designed to recognize and endorse services firms that excel in business transformation using BTABOK principles. By achieving accreditation at the Bronze, Silver, or Gold level, firms demonstrate their commitment to excellence and their ability to deliver significant value to their clients. We look forward to partnering with firms dedicated to driving meaningful change and innovation in the business transformation landscape.