This article will help you get started as an author.
Edit me

This guide aims to demonstrate how to edit Markdown files on GitHub using the Mark Text editor. Users will learn how to clone a repository, open a Markdown file in Mark Text, make edits, and create a pull request to submit their changes for review.

Audience: This guide is suitable for users familiar with GitHub and Markdown syntax.


  • Access to a GitHub account.
  • Mark Text editor installed on the local machine.


  1. Clone the Repository:

    Begin by navigating to the GitHub repository containing the Markdown file you wish to edit. Click on the “Code” button and copy the repository’s URL.

    Open your terminal or command prompt and execute the following command:

    Copy code

    git clone <repository_URL>

    This command clones the repository to your local machine.

  2. Locate the Markdown File:

    After cloning the repository, navigate to the directory containing the Markdown file you intend to edit.

  3. Open the File in Mark Text:

    Launch the Mark Text editor on your computer. Open the Markdown file from the cloned repository using the “File” menu or keyboard shortcut.

    The file will open in Mark Text, providing you with a user-friendly interface for editing Markdown content.

  4. Make Edits:

    Edit the Markdown file as needed within Mark Text. Take advantage of features such as live preview and syntax highlighting to enhance your editing experience.

    Save your changes frequently using the “Save” option from the “File” menu or by pressing the appropriate keyboard shortcut.

  5. Commit Changes:

    Once you’re satisfied with your edits, return to your terminal or command prompt. Execute the following commands:

    Copy code

    git status git add . git commit -m "Describe your changes here"

    These commands stage and commit your changes locally.

  6. Push Changes to GitHub:

    Push the committed changes to your GitHub repository by executing the following command:

    Copy code

    git push

  7. Create a Pull Request:

    Visit your GitHub repository’s page in a web browser. Click on the “Pull requests” tab and then the “New pull request” button.

    Select the branch containing your edits and review the changes you’ve made. Provide any necessary context or comments before submitting the pull request.