The architect skills gap analysis is a small worksheet that is also supported by
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The architect skills gap analysis is a small worksheet that is also supported by . It is meant to be a worksheet to identify which areas of skills need the most work. To use the canvas simply list the competencies from the Iasa Capability Model in each are where you or your team need the most work.
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The architect skills gap analysis provides you with the opportunity to define your 5 pillar deficiencies or strengths. Use this as a group exercise to communicate opportunities for the team to grow in their overall competency gaps.

Area Description Links To
Business Technology Strategy This section defines the skills you need to work on from the BTS skills pillar. Competency model
Human Dynamics This section defines the skills you need to work on from the Human Dynamics skills pillar. Competency model
Design This section defines the skills you need to work on from the design skills pillar. Competency model
IT Environment This section defines the skills you need to work on from the tech environment skills pillar. Competency model
Quality Attributes This section defines the skills you need to work on from the QATT skills pillar. Competency model