Architecture Definition Canvas
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The architecture definition canvas is a tool to help get architects and other to understand what they mean by the term. That is useful as the title is poorly understood even by its senior practicioners.


How to use this canvas


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Area Description Links To
Define Architecture Put your definition of architecture in this area. Try to think in terms of a global definition for architecture that would apply to all ‘types’ of architects. None
Situation (areas) These situation areas allow you to describe architecture to a particular type of person or stakeholder. Think in terms of what they would understand about an architects value to a company or to society as a whole. For example, doctors ‘heal people’ and specific types of doctors provide particular types of healing. None

Use this in Miro

We in the BTABoK are so very excited about the native support for architecture canvases in Miro! Find this canvas in the Miroverse!


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