The technical loan request combines the concept of Technical Debt with a repayment schedule in work days, payment, or other means and allows the architect to ensure technical debt is both deliberate and prudent.
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The technical loan request combines the concept of Technical Debt with a repayment schedule in work days, payment, or other means and allows the architect to ensure technical debt is both deliberate and prudent.


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Area Description Links To
Context Context information regarding the architecture debt request. Design (article), Context View (informed by), Benefits Realization View (describes)
Business Justification Business justification for incurring the debt. OKR Card (connected to), ASR Card (directed by), Benefit Card (informed by)
Architecture Components Impacted What architecture components are impacted – application, roadmap, principles, standards, policies. organization. Context View (displayed in), Roadmap (impacts), Principle Card (impacted by)
Architecture Impacts What are the impacts on the architecture of the architecture debt incurred e.g. evolution, quality, maintainability, reliability, performance, productivity? Not Applicable
Debt Characteristics How reversible is the debt, how long will it take to undo, what level of effort is required to undo the debt? Risk and Cost Card
Undo Actions List actions required to ‘repay’ the debt incurred. Not Applicable
Debt Repayment Schedule The principal amount of debt in some measurement. The repayment schedule and whether the debt will accrue interest (get worse). Roadmapping